360° communication campaigns
Supporting families during the pandemic
Since the mid of 2021, TLGG was commissioned to be responsible for the holistic communication needs of The German Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth together with 365 Sherpas as a strategic partner. In my role as Creative Director, the initiative COVID-19 Hiatus for Families was one of the first projects to be managed. This should make it possible for families, who are eligible to apply, to go on holiday in regions all over Germany without any huge financial effort. Thereby, they could get away from the stressful everyday life during the pandemic. The first task was to make the target group aware of this program both offline and online. They were referred to the website, where they could find more information, were guided via a tutorial and could check the availability of the facilities in the desired region in terms of dates and capacities. Then the vacation could start ...

The off- and online communication of a special governmental vacation initiative for families in times of COVID-19.
More time, more flexibility, more part-time opportunities - the new regulations for parental allowance since September 2021 are extensive and require a comprehensive yet emotional communication campaign.

More time for what really matters in life
Since 2007, there has been the parental allowance in Germany to support families after the birth of a child. 8 million mothers and fathers have since then taken advantage of it, with
82% saying that it's an essential part of their income. In 2021, the application procedure was significantly simplified and additional opportunities have been created. So it became
possible to work more part-time and the parental leave is also profitable for fathers, because most of them have higher incomes.
The birth of a child is indisputably the most important time in life for starting a family. Not only for the newborn child, but also for both partners. And that's exactly what we put
in the foreground of our communication as an emotional motivation and to get the target group's attention on the reform. It was important to us that the communication not only aims at
the classic role model of a heterosexual partnership, but also sets focus on homosexual and single-parent constellations. Parental allowance should be attractive for everyone also from
2021 on.
The fathers as a special target group in the focus of communication
In the pandemic, young families were faced with new challenges. During this time, the classic role allocation of the baby boomer generation got a renaissance. The woman took care of
the children and the household while the man went to work. We wanted to break with this paradigm and, in one part of the campaign, appeal to men in particular to devote more time to
their families. From then on, this was precisely supported by new part-time regulations of the program.
So, in a first step emotional stories with a targeted approach initially made the necessary awareness among the young fathers possible, they were then combined with individual insights
about the benefits in a second phase and further on caused the conversion of our target group to the family portal. There, one could then calculate the amount of the parental allowance
very quickly and compile all necessary documents. It's that easy!
360° campaigns that reach our target group through skillful targeting at the relevant touchpoints.

The Support Hotline for Pregnant Women is now completely accessible in 19 languages, as in analogue and digital ways.
Making the insights as visible as possible
Since 2014, The Support Hotline for Pregnant Women has been an anonymous, free and around-the-clock help and support service originally founded by the Federal Office for Family and Civil Society. Women who call the helpline find their minds caught in chaos. The experts from the helpline help to sort out this chaos. They give pregnant women a new perspective. And that's exactly what had to be made visible in order to emphasize the strengths of this service and move it in the middle of communication. For our 360° campaign, the thoughts of women before and after calling the hotline were made visible using various typographic plays. This makes it clear in a direct comparison what this call really changed for the caller.
A cross-media communication campaign for a multifunctional online hub
All analogue campaign elements such as posters, business cards, flyers or brochures were created in this certain style, as were the digital creations in form of banners, advertorials, blogs, podcasts & social media ads. They were rounded off by cooperations with pregnancy tests, contraceptives, sex utils and menstrual apps. The website was developed as the central hub, to which all campaign actions came together. The website service has been expanded to 15 languages, a chat function has been integrated, regional advice centers can be searched directly and of course there is a guide to confidential birth with stories intended to give initial tips to pregnant women.